When it comes to fitness, I like to keep it simple. There's not shortcuts and it's usually our commitment to our practice at good habits that will give us the best results.
- Understanding that exercise is only one piece of the cake. Working out cannot override a bad diet or unhealthy habits in our day to day life. Working towards a healthy lifestyle as a whole is the key to long-lasting results.
- Walking. Never underestimate the power of walking. I love adding brisk daily walks into my workout routine as it’s not only great for our cardiovascular health, but it can also help reduce stress and tension. Unpopular opinion, but I love walking in nature without podcast, music or headphones, it really helps my clear my mind and it makes me feel energised.
- Add resistance or strength based training into your routine. Pick a workout that you ENJOY, in that way you are more likely to show up. I don’t think it’s a secret that different types of pilates is my go-to depending on what mood I am in. With Pilates you need minimal equipment, and with the right class or teacher we can effectively work our slow twitch stabilising muscles fibres that when strengthen will support joints, stability, balance and posture as well s building long lean muscles across our entire body. Decades of research shows that resistance training like pilates can prevent and even reverse the loss of muscle mass that we typically experience as we age. Muscle is a cornerstone of longevity and by maintaining and increasing muscle mass we decrease risk of diseases and can live a longer happier life.
- Protein intake. Making sure that we have enough protein in our diet is important as protein is an important building block of muscles, and our bodies also use it to repair tissue. Incorporating enough protein in our diet will not only help os repair and build muscles but it also helps us supply our entire with the nutrient it needs. The exact amount of protein we need depends on many factors including activity, age, muscle mass and overall health. To get an accurate calculation of your protein intake - I would consult a dietitian, nutritionist, or GP. General rule is 1.6 - 2.2 g of protein per kg of bodyweight. Lately, one of my goals have been to make sure I have enough protein with every meal. I’ll let you know how I go.
- Rest, without rest, the muscle repair needed to see results is inhibited. When exercising, and reaching muscle fatigue, microscopic muscle tears will occur. This is a great thing when exercising as these tear essentially tells your body that the muscle tissue needs to be stronger. As you rest, the repair will result in stronger muscles and increased muscle mass. As it is in the parasympathetic nervous system that the rest happens, it’s really important to set aside time calm both body and mind. I love infrared saunas, feet up against the wall, meditation whenever I’m feeling overwhelmed, and lots of sleep.